Disclaimer : IPSIDE INNOVATION is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice
Start building your patent portfolio with IPSIDE INNOVATION :
Fill the contact form , this will help us to better identifiy your needs, it is free and your information will not be distributed.
After filling the form you will receive a mutual non disclosure agreement by email, within 1 working day: read it carefully, sign it or make it signed by an authorized representative of your firm and return it at the designated email.
Once we receive your signed non disclosure agreement we will contact you to set up a meeting in person or a skype interview with a specialist in order to talk about your invention, to assess its patentability, to present you the IPSIDE INNOVATION method and to give you a quotation for your international protection. This first interview is completly free of charge
If you decide to go further with us, we will sign an agreement setting up our mutual commitments
See our FAQs for more information.